Saturday, October 29, 2016

"We need to help Russ Feingold win"

Russ for Wisconsin
Dear Compatriots,

       Did you see this? Yesterday, Bernie Sanders sent an email to his supporters asking them to stand with Russ.

     And after yesterday's breaking news about GOP billionaire Diane Hendricks dropping $5.4 MILLION into a super PAC supporting Senator Johnson, we need everyone to step up -- right now. Like Bernie said, they're spending so much money in Wisconsin that Russ could lose.


Shelby Cole
Email Director

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bernie Sanders
Date: F‌riday, O‌‌ct 2‌‌8, 20‌‌16
Subject: We must now focus on Russ Feingold

Friends of Bernie Sanders

Sisters and Brothers,

All across our country, as a result of the disastrous Supreme Court decision on Citizens United, billionaires are trying to buy elections for candidates who will represent the wealthy and the powerful.

There is no better example of this than in Wisconsin, where big money interests are spending millions to defeat progressive champion Russ Feingold. Russ, throughout his career, has led the effort for campaign finance reform, civil rights, the protection of our privacy and the needs of working people. He opposed the war in Iraq, led the effort against the Patriot Act and wants to see that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

It should be no surprise, therefore, that the Koch Brothers and the billionaire class want to keep Russ out of the Senate. 

The problem is, they're spending so much money in Wisconsin's Senate race that Russ could lose.

The billionaire class has already spent $7.5 million in outside spending to defeat Russ. He's seen his lead in the polls cut by more than half.

In my mind, this is exactly the kind of grotesque spending by millionaires and billionaires which is moving our country toward an oligarchic form of society. We need to overturn Citizens United, we need real campaign finance reform, and we need a progressive Senate.

We need to help Russ Feingold win his election, and that means all of us need to stand together right now to support Russ.

It is absolutely critical for Russ Feingold to win his election if we want to win a majority of seats in the Senate. As you know well, Paul Ryan is terrified of the prospect of losing the Senate.

Just imagine how much Paul Ryan doesn't want to see Senators Bernie Sanders and Russ Feingold working together.

You have already raised nearly $2.5 million to help candidates for the House and Senate since last week. Your contributions are completely changing races for Congress across the country.

Now we must focus our attention directly to support Russ Feingold. His race is critically important, and we need people to stand together to take on billionaires trying to buy this election.

Thank you for all you are doing in the fight for a progressive America.

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

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